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Keats School과 함께 중국에서 중국어 배우기

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The 3rd International Cultural Festival of Keats School Successfully Held

May 8th, 2014, the 3rd International Cultural Festival of Keats School was successfully held at the best KTV of Kunming. Around 70 students attended this annual cultural fest. The topics for this year are cultural festival were “The Beauty of My Hometown” and “I Can Sing Chinese Songs”. Therefore, it was full of beautifully sounded music throughout the entire festival.

The hosts for this year were Margie Ma, teaching supervisor of Keats, and 唐博文(Tom Bowerman), Keats student. The festival started with a Tibetan song “Love from the Holy Land”(天籁之爱) from 4 Keats teachers, Joy Huang, Jayden Yu, Margie Ma and Yingdan Sui. The opening song, which received thunderous applause, was followed by a highly difficult Chinese song “Chinese Language”(中国话) from the teacher and the students in the advanced level Chinese class. The difficulty of the song was largely due to its mix of traditional Chinese music and modern pop music with tongue twisters. This fast-speed song led to a huge Climax of the festival.

When it came to the presentation of hometown, Keats students who come from all over the world and gather at Keats to study Chinese had a chance to show their hometowns. For example, a student from Ukraine read a poem in Ukrainian and Russian. Two students from American introduced the interesting parts of their hometown and also a student from Sweden presented her hometown in Swedish. Two students from Israel sang a famous song in Hebrew. All students were trying their best to present the beauty of their hometowns.

The performance form the beginner class was “Haiyu Lian”(海芋恋) with dancing and singing, which made the crowds cannot help to join the performance. The song form the elementary class was”Love because It Is In My Heart” (爱,因为在心中) with the audience shaking their arms. The song from pre-intermediate class “Super Star” (超级明星) brought tremendous happiness to the audience through the uniform dancing and widely accepted rhythm. The song, from the intermediate class, “The Most Fashionable Minority Style” (最炫民族风) recognized as the “God Song of China” due to its easy rhythm and funny lyrics, helped to reach the most exciting point of the festival. The audiences were dazzled by the glamour of Chinese language through the students’ perfect singing and dancing.

Between singing performances were talent shows of students and interesting games, to make the festival more culturally diverse. A one-on-one student Klaus played guitar while his teacher played Pipa, a traditional Chinese musical instrument. The merging of Chinese music and Western music magically brought the two cultures closer. Katya played guitar and sang a song with her teacher. The song was called “Ti Da” (滴答) as if they were telling a beautiful story. Many teachers were amazed at Katya’s rapid progress in Chinese in such a short time from an absolute beginner. Sandy (林高俊), from the advanced class, played his Ukulele with a song written by himself, to show his fondness of Keats School. This song was regarded as the most creative performance. Of course we have got wonderful performances from Keats teachers. Three teachers played Hulusi with Dai dancing from Xishuangbanna. Two teachers performed Yi dancing as if they were celebrating the “Torch Festival” (火把节). Lastly, the teachers invited all the students to the stage to dance together.

The game section was composed of “Grab the Song” and “Slam the balloons”. This section got all the teachers and students involved. The rule for the “grab the song” was to sing the song once you could recognize it by listening to the beginning part. Since all songs we prepared were famous songs, many students soon recognized them, leading to the chorus of each song. During the “Slam the Balloons” part, a one-on-one student became the winner because she successfully protected her balloons.

Time passed so quickly and the cultural festival approached its ending imperceptibly. Started by one student, an appreciation to the event planners from all students surprised all the teachers. The 3rd International Cultural Festival of Keats School was closed with its splendid success. Some students remained in the KTV for an afterparty. We greatly look forward to next year’s International Cultural Festival at Keats School.

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Alibaba | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

쿤밍은 환상적인 도시입니다. 여기의 날씨는 좋습니다. 학교는 훌륭합니다. 강사는 매우 도움이되고 매우 친절합니다. 중국에서 중국어 학교를 찾고있는 사람은 누구나 이곳에 와서 공부할 것을 강력히 추천합니다. Kunming과 Keats 학교는 다른 어떤 곳보다 훨씬 낫습니다.

Robert testimonial for keats chinese school

Robert | Netherlands

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

지난 학기부터 우리는 Keats에서 중국어를 공부하기 시작했습니다. 그것은 우리가 할 수있는 최선의 선택이었습니다. 정말 좋은 학교입니다. 수업은 정말 재미 있고, 많이 배우지 만, 매우 상호 작용 적입니다. 그래서 말을 많이합니다. 이것은 단지 책과 글이 아니라는 것을 의미합니다. 쿤밍은 특히 동부의 다른 도시와 비교할 때 살기에 정말 즐거운 도시입니다. 여행을 좋아하고 재미있게 중국어를 공부하고 싶다면 Keats는 최고의 중국어 프로그램을 제공합니다.

Andrew testimonial for keats chinese school

Andrew | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

ฉันเป็นนักศึกษาระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาที่กำลังศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอกที่มหาวิทยาลัยโคลัมเบีย เราสามารถมุ่งเน้นไปที่การพูดโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการพูดแบบสัมภาษณ์และเราสามารถพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านและการเขียนภาษาจีนได้อย่างแท้จริงดังนั้นเมื่อฉันกลับไปที่โคลัมเบียฉันสามารถเรียนภาษาจีนแบบเป็นทางการ มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ดีมากและฉันรักครูของฉันมาก

Duwenyu testimonial for keats chinese school

杜文宇 | Netherlands

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

그래서 Keats에서의 첫 주 동안 저는 감히 어떤 중국어 단어도 말할 수 없었습니다. 그 이후로 중국어 수준이 빠르게 향상되었다는 것을 알게되었습니다. 예를 들어 중국에서 공부할 수있는 옵션이 많지만 다른 학교에는 홈스테이가 있지만 Keats에 머물면서 중국어 학습에 전적으로 집중할 수 있다는 것을 알았습니다.

Simon testimonial for keats chinese school

Simon | UK & France

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

비자 신청은 정말 간단했습니다. Keats School이 우리에게 많은 도움을주기 때문입니다. Keats는 회화 연습에 큰 중점을두기 때문에 우리는 중국에서 중국어를 배우는 요지 인 중국인과 마을을 돌아 다니며 대화하기에 매우 편리한 많은 어휘와 일상 생활 계획을 배웁니다.

Richard testimonial for keats chinese school

Richard | UK

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

이번이 두 번째입니다. 작년에 나도 약 12 주 동안 왔습니다. 이번에는 중국에서 13 주 동안 여름 프로그램을 위해 왔습니다. 특히 제가이 학교에오고 싶은 이유는 일대일 수업 때문이었습니다. 그룹 수업보다 더 빨리 레벨을 올리고 중국어를 배울 수있었습니다. 내년에 다시 올 기회가 있다면 확실히 할 것입니다.

嶋田京子 | Japan

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

쿤밍의 풍경은 매우 아름답습니다. 중국에서 중국어를 공부하기에 가장 좋은 곳입니다. Keats School에서 제가 가장 좋아하는 학습 방법은 모든 사람에게 적합하기 때문에 일대일입니다. 선생님은 매우 훌륭하고 배려심 많고 사랑 스럽습니다. 쿤밍에서 중국어를 배울 때의 제 삶은 아주 좋고 날씨도 아주 좋습니다. 공기가 아주 좋습니다. 노인의 몸에 좋습니다.

Steve testimonial for keats chinese school

Steve | UK

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

제게는 집과 같은 곳이라 여기 오는 것이 정말 즐겁습니다. 중국에서 중국어를 배우고 전 세계의 훌륭한 사람들을 만날 수있는 좋은 환경입니다. 여기있는 모든 사람들이 매우 친절합니다 쿤밍은 정말 좋은 기후를 가지고 있습니다. 현대적인 도시와 많은 역사적인 중국 문화가 잘 어우러져 있습니다. 아마도 중국에서 가장 깨끗한 공기와 아마도 가장 깨끗한 물을 얻었을 것입니다. 쿤밍에서 중국어 공부에 초대합니다.

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