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Keats School과 함께 중국에서 중국어 배우기

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Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival

May 5th on lunar calendar, which is June 2nd this year, was Chinese traditional festival – Dragon Boat Festival. This festival is to memorize a remarkable Chinese poet Qu Yuan in history. The customs of celebrating it are to eat sticky rice dumplings, watch boat races, and hang Ay Tsao on front doors. Keats teachers celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival together with Keats students this year.

Last Friday, Keats School was full of special decorations. Once you entered the school gate, you will see Ay Tsao, a kind of plant with special aroma, hanged on the two sides of the gate. The teachers started to explain the customs to the students after seeing their curious faces. One of the teachers also told the story of the Dragon Boat Festival, which intrigued the students’ strong interest in Chinese culture. One American student said that Chinese people should try their best to preserve such valuable traditional culture because a country’s history is her priceless treasure. Since the Dragon Boat Festival is related to the brilliant poet Qu Yuan, Keats teachers also prepared some of his poems, which were used to help the students practice pronunciations. Many students liked this special way of teaching, which not only helped them learn Chinese in a natural way, but also gave them useful information of its culture.  After the Dragon Boat Festival was introduced in the small group classes, the students were invited to share the traditional festivals in their home countries. The students showed great interest and curiosity to different cultures as they kept asking questions.

Well, a big surprise was waiting for the students. When the students walked out of classrooms after class, they saw a lot of sticky rice dumplings with different stuffing such as bacon, red beans, vegetables, and peanuts on the library table. The students were invited to try some dumplings and they can’t stop praising the delicacy of the dumplings. One student shared his understanding of Chinese cuisine: Chinese people use all kinds of methods and all kind of materials to cook food, that’s why Chinese food is always tasty and unparalleled. Another student said “I am so lucky that I experience the festival unexpectedly just one week since I arrived in China. This made me become more interested in Chinese culture.  I will definitely come to study at Keats especially during the traditional festivals because there will be great food served.” Other students all burst into peals of laughter. Ms. Huang introduced ways to make dumplings while the students were eating, so that the students can make their own dumplings at home.

Many students were also invited to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival by their Chinese friends. To the students, this was the very first time they celebrated a traditional Chinese festival with Chinese families. They kept asking what gift would be the best for their Chinese friends. Ms. Hang told them Chinese people are very hospitable, and as long as you enjoy their food and regard them as families, they do not expect any gift.

We hope that all the teachers and students at Keats have had a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival. 


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Ida testimonial for keats chinese school

Ida | Italy

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

저는 2 학기 동안 Keats에서 공부했습니다. Keats School을 적극 추천합니다. 중국에서 중국어 코스를 듣는 데 관심이 많으시면 쿤밍에 오시기 바랍니다. 쿤밍 사람들은 매우 친절합니다. 쿤밍의 날씨는 좋습니다. 그래서 쿤밍의 키츠에서 중국어를 공부하는 것이 좋습니다.

Sarah testimonial for keats chinese school

Sarah | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

제 이름은 Sarah Fish입니다. 저는 81 세입니다. 제가 도착했을 때 저는 중국어를 거의 알지 못했습니다. 2 주간의 집중 중국어 과정에서 어떻게 살아남을 수 있었습니까? 지금 생각하면 웃어야 해요. 이것은 참으로 긍정적 인 경험이었습니다! 나는 우리가 조금 더 여기에있을 수 있기를 정말로 바란다. 선생님들은 처음에는 누군가가 얼마나 알고 있는지 평가 한 다음 거기에서 시작하여 매우 고무적입니다.

Ben testimonial for keats chinese school

Ben | USA

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

다른 학교에서 공부 한 첫 학기에는 압력이 꽤 높았고 교실 시간도 길었고 숙제는 꽤 지루했습니다. Keats에 온 이후로 교실에서 말할 기회가 훨씬 더 많다는 것을 알게되었습니다. 제 반 친구들은 모두 유창하고 말하기와 수업 참여를 좋아합니다. 우리는 훌륭한 교실 역학을 가지고 있습니다.

Emiliano | メキシコ

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

쿤밍의 환경이 더 좋다고 생각하고 Keats School이 더 좋다고 들었 기 때문에 쿤밍에 왔습니다. 반 친구들이 열심히 공부하고 선생님들이 아주 잘하기 때문에 소그룹 중국어 수업을 좋아합니다. 나는 Keats의 활동을 좋아하기 때문에 Keats의 교수법을 좋아합니다. 윈난은 특히 아름다운 중국의 지방이라고 생각합니다.


Kirsten testimonial for keats chinese school

Kristen | Canada

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

저는 Keats에서 중국의 중국어 과정을 정말 즐겼고 여기에서 선생님과 학생들을 만났습니다. 우리는 수업에서 많은 즐거움을 가지고 있습니다. 좋은 교수법과 정말 좋은 교과서, 예제와 게임 등 모든 것을 배우기에 정말 좋은 학교입니다.

Andrew testimonial for keats chinese school

Andrew | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

ฉันเป็นนักศึกษาระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาที่กำลังศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอกที่มหาวิทยาลัยโคลัมเบีย เราสามารถมุ่งเน้นไปที่การพูดโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการพูดแบบสัมภาษณ์และเราสามารถพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านและการเขียนภาษาจีนได้อย่างแท้จริงดังนั้นเมื่อฉันกลับไปที่โคลัมเบียฉันสามารถเรียนภาษาจีนแบบเป็นทางการ มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ดีมากและฉันรักครูของฉันมาก

Amauri testimonial for keats chinese school

Amauri | USA

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

Keats의 교사들은 학생들을 읽는 방법과 학생들이 중국어를 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 돕는 방법을 알고 있습니다. 그들은 학생들의 수준을 알고 있습니다. 나는 느린 학습자이지만 그들은 내 학습에 적응할 수있었습니다. 그들은 수업을 매우 재미 있고 흥미롭게 만들었습니다. 저는 문화와 언어를 배울 수있을뿐만 아니라 전 세계에서 온 놀라운 친구, 정말 믿을 수없는 중국 친구와 유럽 친구, 미국 친구를 사귈 수있어서 기쁩니다.

Shihori | 日本

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

일대일 집중 중국어 과정에서는 원하는 학습 방법을 선택할 수 있습니다. Keats의 중국 소그룹 중국어 수업은 HSK 교과서를 따릅니다. 교사는 종종 학생들의 피드백을 수집하고 교사는 우리의 요구 사항과 의견을 경청합니다. 구강 수준이 이전보다 나아 졌다고 느꼈습니다.

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